Awards and Publications


spacingEdmonton Edmonton, AB

eCartographies, RAW Gallery Winnipeg, MB

Summer Institute, Plug-in Gallery Winnipeg, MB

Warehouse Journal XX Winnipeg, MB

RAIC (Top 5 Honour Roll) Winnipeg, MB

Le Prix Jacques Collin en Architecture Winnipeg, MB

Mel P. Michener Architectural Fellowship (shortlisted)

United Kingdom

Future Fabrics Expo, Innovation Hub exhibitor
London, UK

BOF Business of Fashion Future VOICES, shortlist
London, UK

The Guardian
London, UK

Kering Sustainability Award, Stella McCartney, Finalist
London, UK

Goldsmiths University MA Design & Innovation, Guest Speaker
London, UK

Central St. Martins Annual Exhibition
London, UK

‘Interventions’, Exhibition, Machines Room
London, UK

University of Arts London, “Could seaweed replace plastics to create eco-friendly fashion?”
London, UK


Bee Breeders Nemrut Volcano Competition (shortlisted)
Nemrut, Turkey


“Fashion for Sustainability”, British Embassy
Paris, UK


Vogue Italia, “Future Fabric Expo 2019: in scena più di 5mila materiali green”